at more appropriate way to begin this piece than a statement by a Renowned German literary icon, Bertolt Brecht

"The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies"

This pretty much sums up the typicality of the Nigerian Youth, and how misplaced and misguided his priorities are, without realizing his life and aspirations(if he has a genuine one) are solely dependent on the permutations and alterations of political decisions, policies and activities.

I've had the privilege of engaging a lot of young people in a discussion and most of them agree on one thing - Politics is boring and dirty, and they prefer to engage in fulfilled discussions and activities, things like how Cee-C of BBN has been able to secure a place in the house despite the utter detestation and irritation she had managed to elicit from viewers, or perhaps, the newest version of mobile contraptions (Iphones and the ilk) even when some are clearly insolvent enough to afford it.

Although it is not generic, as I know some brilliant and focal youths in Nigeria but most of the lot, like the German poet described, are too busy wallowing in tomfoolery to understand that, the Big Brother Naija which is a Pro Nigerian show isn't held in Nigeria because of Power supply challenges which has been a corollary of poor governance and crass maladministration, no thanks to protracted unintelligible and selfish political decisions.

He is too clueless to understand the new clothes which he couldn't afford because of a steap price tag on them, and the mobile device which costs an arm and a leg, or even the outrageous costs of make -over kits which she masquerades on  - are all as a result of poor political and economic decisions.

The young political idiot doesn't realize that billions of naira meant for fixing infrastructures in his community has been stolen by a man who claims to possess a mandate from God to serve his people.

He doesn't even know his life is in danger because funds meant for the purchase of security hardware and payment of security operatives has been fleeced,

Also, Election is around corner and  the nincompoop isn't aware that just like he did with Rico Swavey at the weekend, he has the capability of evicting those old, rabid individuals who are constantly polarizing and raping his country.

The Imbecile deliberately closes his eyes and ears to political discussions and stories like Florida Shooting in the US,  and how students are mobilizing themselves en masse to force the arms of Government towards a certain direction on Gun Control.  No!!,  he'd rather spend precious data and time to go on FB & twitter to discuss how long a good sex should last.

Audience participation and interest in the Big Brother Naija is an indication that Nigerian Youths can unite and be galvanized towards a cause. Also,  our numbers are sufficient enough to force an election to reflect our yearnings and aspirations only if we choose to simply pay attention to the the goings on in Government.

Martin Luther King Jr who led America's greatest civil and racial justice campaign at a very young age was of the opinion that Freedom was never granted by the oppressor, it had to be fought for by the oppressed.

Thou Nigerian Youths, be ye interested in the politics of your nation.  Recalibrate your focal lenses and place the political hemisphere on your crosshairs, for the Politicians will not hand good governance over to you in a platter all in the name of #NotTooYoungToRun, you have to demand and take it for yourself.

Emmanuel Maduneme is a Radio host and podcaster based in Port Harcourt.
